AcclaimIP is part of Anaqua Inc., IP Management Solutions & Services.

Author: Kim Dizes

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Patent Searching Basic Steps Using AcclaimIP
Patent Evaluation Patent Searching Patent Research 101

How to Conduct a Patent Search: The Basics

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Patent Evaluation Patent Insights

AcclaimIP Mini-Sessions & Open Office Hours

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Optimize a Freedom to Operate Search with AcclaimIP™

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Patent Data Tips & Tricks

Take Control of Your Patent Data with Custom Fields

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Business Development

Using Patent Analysis to Find Licensees and Patents to Purchase

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Patent Landscaping

Patent Landscape Analysis – Uncovering Strategic Insights Patent Practitioners and Companies Can Act On

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Patent Data

Patent Jurisdiction Coverage

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Patent Searching

AcclaimIP Quick Start Guide

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Business Development

Introduction to AcclaimIP Patent Search & Analytics Software

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Patent Evaluation New Capabilities

AcclaimIP™ Patent Citations Webinar Series

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